Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Review of Picture Perfect: A short story by Deena Remiel and Crave, an Original poem

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Publisher: Self

Published: 7/17/2011

Buy here

Rating: Snack


  James/Jamie White was a male cover model and at the top of his game. He was only lacking a good woman to be exactly where he wanted to be. Oh, he had plenty of offers, women who never looked beyond his dazzling appearance, or models who couldn't separate the job from reality. He thinks maybe, he might have found "the One" when an injured Hope Evans nearly collapses at his back door. But will his crazy stalker give him the chance to find out?

  If you don't recognize the gorgeous man on the cover, it's the fabulous Jimmy Thomas, and he is the inspiration for Deena's short story. It felt a little odd reading at first, but Deena's phenomenal writing skills soon swept me up into the pure romance of the tale. It is an excellent way to spend an hour or two.

Crave, a poem

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Last picture is completely yummy ..I ll take two please!