Just in case you haven’t heard. This lady and her books are taking the publishing industry by storm. The buzz around this series is phenomenal, and I was excited to say the least when I was contacted about possibly reviewing her newest book. I could only been happier if I had won the lottery.
My most heartfelt gratitude for agreeing to this interview.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m about to turn 45 (October 4th), I’ve been married 25 years to my wonderful husband, Roy and we have two adult daughters. I’m losing my job at the end of October, looking forward to the “downtime” but I will miss the paycheck. However, I will not miss the job. I work in a law firm that deals primarily with the elderly, mentally disabled/challenged and children. I’ve seen enough ways to stab someone in the back to last me a lifetime at this job.
Eeeeeks, that scarier than any Halloween story I can come up with…..Have you always envisioned yourself as a writer?
Yes, well, maybe not an “author” but definitely a writer. I started writing in the 4th grade and knew instantly I was going to write for the rest of my life.
I always admire that sense of destiny many authors have that tells them, “This is what I do”. What gave you the idea for your series or how did the idea develop?
The “Of War” series didn’t start as a series. It started out as a single stand-alone novel, The Heart of War, and with the question: What if Ares fell in love? Not in LUST as he so often does, but actual LOVE. I turned that question around in my head for a few days when Fate sent me this picture via Google.

Yeah, I can absolutely see how that would inspire you. It’s inspiring me right now.
The Heart of War, all 500+ pages of it, formed in my head as my eye met the image and we just ran with it in any direction we damn well pleased……that was the best part! When we got to the end of the story we thought we’d like to continue and tell the whole tale of Ares, God of War and Alena MacLeod from their meeting up to where it all ends……or maybe where it really begins, depends on your POV, I guess. When all is said and done, there will be four stories in the “Of War” series.

The Heart of War: available now

Child of War, Rising Son : the second part will release in 2012
Spoils of War: the last novel will also release in 2012
Sheesh, lucky you’re getting some down time because that is a LOT of work, seriously. Where do your characters come from, and what do you do when they refuse to act as you want them to?
The Muse sends them to me. I’m sure I’ve gathered tons of inspiration from my job and some clients have ended up as models for minor characters, but major characters and storylines come straight from the cosmos. When they dig their heels in and refuse to go the way I want them to then I just give in and do what they want. It’s not always easy. I don’t always do it right away. But they are always right in the end. Ticks me off.

What is the one thing you would like to say to someone about to read your book?
Read only after dark.
Do you read the reviews on your book, and what would you like for reviewers to take away from your book?
Yes, I read all of the reviews that I solicit and know about. Sometimes people review my work and I didn’t ask them to, I just happen upon a review while looking for something else. Reading reviews can be very nerve racking but, luckily, with this one, it’s been mostly 4 and 5 stars! The only thing I want anyone who reads my books to take away from the experience is that they just read a damn good story.
Well said! Do you put any of yourself in your characters?
Of course, first and foremost, writers write what they know and have experienced, even though we dramatize to a great degree.
If you could spend a week hanging out with one of your characters, who would it be and what would you be doing?
Ares and we’d never get out of bed! When the week was over, we’d be so spent we wouldn’t be able to crawl.
YES!!! A lady after my own heart. Brilliant answer.
Finally, do you have a specific destination in mind for your series and do you intend to branch out into multiple threads or continue along this vein?
I know where we’re going and where it all ends. I just don’t know exactly how we’re getting there yet. Although there are a lot of other characters that we explore, the main focus of the series will always be Ares and Alena and their life together.

1. Cats or Dogs? Cats
2. Morning or Night? Night
3. Sweet or Savory? Savory
4. Comfort or Fashion? Comfort
5. Horseback or Four Wheeler? Horseback
6. Ocean or Mountain? Ocean
7. East or West? East
And lastly, the MOST important question you will ever be asked in your entire life……
DUKE or carolina ? I’m from Connecticut…..
Huskies, huh? You know Duke and UCONN have a history……hmmm.
Well, I still really, really loved your book and enjoyed your visit. Please feel free to stop by anytime and I hope you feel I have done your work the justice it deserves.
You can find out more about Lisa's other great books or her future release at the following links:
Facebook Fan Page
Goodreads Author Page
Thanks for having me here today! This was a lot of fun!
Interesting that it didn't start as a series--I think that most authors plan them that way, but it's cool to hear that some don't too!
Great review, although I will admit these 45 yr old eyes had trouble with the font size and color...lol.
I added these books to my TBR pile.
the title sounds something like mythical but actually its not. id loveto read this book, thanks for sharing it =)
Seems really interesting and it always great to make some new discovery
thank you
Rock Chalk Jayhawk here! See you in March!
BTW I've heard some awesome things about this series and have already added it to my TBR list.
OMG! The Jayhawks are out in FORCE!
Yeah, we'll see you at the dance, and this book is FABULOUS.
PS: Please take Roy back.
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