Thank you so much for agreeing to this interview. I know your time is a very valuable commodity, what with 5 (OMG) children, a job and writing then promoting a book. I got tired just reading that.
So first of all…….How did Superman react when you left the Justice League to become a mother/writer/café manager? *snort* Seriously, how in the world do you manage all that?

I actually get asked this question daily. My friends, children and the customers in the café all want to know my secret. My short answer is “I’m a Gemini” and we all know Gem’s can multi task better than anyone (or we just have a very short attention span and need to do a variety of things).
The honest answer is – I have no idea how I do it all some days. I’ll drag my body through the door and hope the café doesn’t call with some sort of dilemma. My only thought will be “bed” but before I know it the clock has flipped to 1 a.m., I’m sitting in the dark (so my hubby can sleep) in bed and my characters won’t let me close my eyes.
What would you do with a month of down time?
Month. Of. Down. Time. A month of down time. You’re just teasing me right? I don’t know if I could cope with that. The last time I had a few weeks of this “down time” thing I believe I wallpapered and painted the kitchen. If I had this time again now after working non-stop at the café for two years I would definitely take my kids (even the one that doesn’t live nearby now) and go have one of our crazy adventures or many small ones. We like to pack up, head out in the car and just see where we end up. This could mean going on a hike, hitting the toy store and just seeing how many of those “try me” buttons we can hit all at once or going to a used clothing outlet and seeing just how many crazy outfits we can come up with to try on.
What made you decide to do the short story collections instead of full length books devoted to one story?
I didn’t intend on doing this. I actually find it harder to write a shorter story. With Dreams I had a two part story that was related, but it didn’t feel complete somehow. That’s where the third part came from so I thought why not put them all together. With Curses the two aren’t related other than they have stories involving curses. I love reading books of all types, but lately with a time deficiency in my realm I have been checking out collections and found it was great because I could stop after a story or the whole book.
Who was your favorite character to write so far?
That’s like asking which child is my favorite.

I can’t pick one character, there have been so many. I love the female characters when they surprise me and do something unexpected. With Dreams that female would be Tess. When she appeared the first time I had her all plotted one way and then she opened her mouth and looked up at Brody towering over her and firmly put him in his place. I was shocked and delighted.
(I really liked Tess too!)
Who was your most difficult?
My most difficult to write would have to be Dominic from Dreams again. He was like a caged beast pacing constantly as I wrangled with him trying to get something out of him. At the first of the story he seemed easy to get into and then he clammed up and became this big sexy man that tried really hard to digress back into the Stone Age. Bless Jennah’s heart for ignoring him and showing him that stuff just didn’t work in the real world anymore.

Not that you have time to read, but if you did, what would you be reading?
I will always find time to read. When I go too long without I find myself reading ingredient labels and crazy stuff like that. I have my favorite authors and have been known to stay up until a book is finished (and then die the next day)
Oh, I have sooo been there!! The next day is BRUTAL!
My top five would be ( and this took a while to come up with just 5): Sherrilyn Kenyon, Christine Feehan, laurel K. Hamilton, Charlaine Harris (just typing her name takes me to Eric from True Blood…..*drool*) And recently I’ve added JR Ward to the top five.

Wooo-Hoooo! Another vote for Team Eric!!!!!
Do you have any literary influences?
Uh……trying to narrow this one down hurts my brain. I just love words, does that cover it?
When you wake up in the morning, you receive the news that you have become independently wealthy. What’s the first thing you do?
Oh, that’s easy, roll over and go back to sleep for as long as I wanted!!!!
What future works do you have brewing?
I have a few…..
Presently I am in the pre-submission stage of a story that is a kind of a cross between a post-apocalyptic/ climate chaos theme. It’s probably the longest I have written and a completely different style for me. ( I have a peak of chapter one on my website

I also have a few trilogies on the go. With The Hidden Senses Trilogy (psychic ability of sorts) I have just submitted the second story, Dream Visions.
In my Animal Trilogy, Heart is with the editor and I’m brewing the second story Scent.
And last in the trilogies is my newest WIP. The first story in Sisters Within Magic – The Witch Descends.
There are more but I seem to be running out of time more often then I’d like when it comes to writing.
Do you have a routine for battling writer’s block?
My cure for writer’s block (which I’ve renamed “Muse ADD”) is to grab a notebook and pen. I have no idea why but for some reason if I close the keyboards and go back to the old fashioned way, it’s cured.
Excellent! You’re the first author I know who’s tried that. I’ll have to pass that tip along.

1. Coffee or Tea? Coffe
2. Bikini or One piece? Bikini
3. Camping or Cruise? Camping
4. Roses or Daisies? Daisies
5. Pizza or Filet Mignon? Um – vegetarian?
6. Three things you would take with you to a deserted island? Refer back to question 1 – coffee, radio (wind up kind), bag full of novels.
7. Three people (alive or dead, real or fictional) that you would like to have over for dinner? Captain Jack Sparrow

That would be a FUN dinner party!!
And the MOST important question I ever ask anyone ………..

I believe I’ll take the fifth for this one …….

Jacqueline paige is a world class multi-tasker being a mother to five adventurous and unpredictable children, a café manager, and having a colossal imagination that allows her to step outside of reality into a world of paranormal romance – with just a touch of suspense.
To find out more about Jacqueline and her books, follow the links below.
Author Website
Facebook Fan Page
Jacqueline's Blog
I’d like to thanks Ms. Paige once again for graciously sharing her time. Read on to the post below for my review of her books Dreams and Curses, then enter the fantastic giveaway.
Awe! LOL! That was such a cute interview. I must say "woman rule,our multitasking and imaginations are beyond words" ahaha....
I haven't read novels by this author,but wish all the best to Jacqueline for more books to come. Good Luck!
The interview was a lot of fun to do.
A multi-tasker indeed. The books look amazing.
Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me in contest.I would love to read both books. They sound really good. Tore923@aol.com
Please enter me in contest. I would love to read both books. They sound really good. Thanks for the giveaway. Tore923@aol.com
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