Publisher: Self/Smashwords
Published: 9/23/2011
Buy link
Rating: Dessert

Marion was trying to get her degree in Magic, so she could defend herself against her abusive ex-boyfriend, Eric. Eric was a powerful wizard and her only defense was to strengthen her own meager powers, but she was about to flunk out because her love potions were incendiary……literally. They caused explosions of flame and debris, not lust. Her only solution is to find those feelings within herself, but she’s not in a very romantic place right now. Aidan has been banished from Fairy for accidentally telling the Queen she had a fat ass. As a member of her Royal Guard, this is a horrible punishment. In order to gain redemption he must seduce a "less than perfect" woman. Guess who he picks?
This a terribly cute story. I chuckled and gasped through the entire book. I mean really.... who tells a woman her butt looks like two white full moons?? *snort* Even though in some areas Aidan was a little dense, I still found him adorable, and he did make up for it in other ways...... *wink, wink* Marion, bless her heart, even though she was lacking in self-confidence, she made up for it in sheer chutzpah. There was no quit in Marion. Oh, she'd have a little pity party and then pull on her big girl panties and do what needed to be done. There were loads of other fun and fascinating characters as well, Raven the roommate, the ample bottomed Queen, McAllister the pixie, and a few more. You will not be bored with this short, very sexy fantasy. If this doesn't put a smile on your face and a flame in your heart, well you're probably very close to death or just really, really mean.
If you'd like to win a copy of the book, just leave a comment on the post answering this question. If you could have one workable love potion, would you use it on yourself or give it to someone else?
I think I would give it to someone else. I don't want someone to fall in love with me because of a potion that forced them to it.
email: cruz042 at csusm dot edu
I think I might me selfish with this one and use it myself...to embellish/refresh an already established love.
I'd give it to someone else, if I needed a potion to make someone love me it wouldn't really be love then more like an invisible gun to the head.
I have no need to use it on myself, I've already found love. So I'd give it to someone else, not sure who though.
Give it to someone else)))
Want to find my try love without tricks ;)
I would give the potion to someone else, as I am lucky enough to already have met my match.
emmasmom AT wi DOT rr DOT com
I'd give it to my best friend because she's too fussy when it comes to men and she has so many good ones chasing her! She needs to grap one of those men before they get bored!
I've had my love for 24 years, so I'd let someone else have it. Thanks for the giveaway! Gloria
geschumann at live dot com
I know a love potion I used on myself would backfire for sure. I'd use it on someone else.
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