Today we are lucky enough to have an opportunity for author Billi Jean to share a talk she had with some of her most Alpha heroes. Derrick, Ranger a Markee, Agni, and Torment. Some of the most droolworthy Alphas you’ll ever come across. Please give them a warm welcome……and enjoy.
Alpha males. What makes a man an alpha? Is it his standing in the pack of other men? Or his yumminess with the women? His strength? Personality?
As I set down at my computer to work on my next novel in the Sisters of the Moon series, I was plagued with all kinds of doubts over my main characters, Aeros. Was he alpha enough? He’s the captain of the Spartans – a band of immortal warriors brought back from the dead by Ares to serve him for eternity – or so it would seem. He’s tough, rough around the edges, but also cultured, well spoken – except for when he curses – and he has a tendency to order everyone about. He’s a leader though, so well, ordering everyone about comes naturally. So isn’t that alpha enough?
Well, I had my doubts, so I hopped over to the Lykae compound to toss around some questions, all innocent like, with the boys while they were busy working out. My thinking was sorta like, well, they’ll be so busy, they won’t notice me ….
When I arrived, I struck gold. As in, wow. Derrick, Ranger and Markee were there tossing out some moves, lifting weights and just causing my heart to flutter all over the place. But wow. also side by side with the pack, I spotted the fire demon Agni, a wicked panty dropper, and with him the mysterious Torment, a demon that makes a girl think some very naughty thoughts indeed?
Bingo. I hit pay dirt. I hoped. Not that I wouldn’t have enjoyed some female support, but an all guy gym, filled with what I think od as alphas? Wow. I could kiss my writing block good-bye!
So I pick a spot, where I’m not too obvious, wave to Agni – the flirt! – and settle in to watch them before I start tossing out questions.
“Hey Billi Jean, what’s up? Why aren’t you tapping away at that keyboard?” Ranger calls. He flashes me a big grin before he rubs a towel over his face and saunters over to park himself nearby. He and Star make such a wonderful couple. Ranger just seems so at ease now with himself and life now that he’s mated. But Ranger is hands down an alpha. Black haired, blue eyed, he’s strong, confident and can make a mistake big time and take the blame before he tries his hardest to fix it. His mating to Star is a fine example of that!
“Well, you know how it is. I can’t always write.I have to think about things first and then try and make them work.” He should know, since he and Star offered to dish they’re story even though Derrick and Samantha’s story came first. Derrick and Samantha were reluctant to cut their honeymoon short to fill me in on every detail of their battle – cough, cough – I mean flirting, while Ranger, wonderful Alpha that he is, wanted everyone to know Star was his!
“Ah…. writer’s block, huh? Aeros not talking? Tabitha being difficult?”
I twist my fingers before spilling the beans. Ranger can be hard to handle, if he even is ‘handle-able’ that is. “Uh, not exactly. I was wondering about alpha males.”
Ranger froze in the middle of taking a swig from his water bottle to shoot me one of his incredulous looks before he grinned again. The man was too funny. I could almost see the wheels turning in his head.
“Ah…..” Taking his swig of aqua, he swallowed before he went on. “And why did you think coming here would help with that?”
I rolled my eyes. Like he didn’t know.
Markee heard us from over on the mats and laughed. Derrick grinned over at me, too. The boys did not lack modesty. Agni hit Torment on the back and said something that had the darker demon giving me a rare smile.
“Well, come on. It’s not like my love life has produced any alpha males. I mean, come on. Cut me some slack here. Obviously, Aeros is an alpha, but can an alpha not always lead? Can he follow? I mean look at you Derrick.” I paused and swallowed when all five guys turned serious.Oh boy. “ I mean, well, you sorta followed Samantha, right? I mean….”
“Yeah, he did pussy up over the pinning, didn’t he? I mean, what the hell kind of alpha let’s a woman pin him to a wall?’ Ranger demanded, pointing his water bottle at Derrick.
I tried to look very small. And I checked out the exits. Derrick had a temper.
Instead of a fight ensuing. Derricked grinned and shrugged.
Agni twisted the cap off an Aquafina and handed it to me, all gentlemanly like, before he opened his own bottle and said “ True, and he let Samantha go to the damn Death Stalker Stronghold. I mean, what the fuck, man? She’s tough, I’ll give you that.” Agni rubbed his throat.
So much for gentlemanly language to go with the gentlemanly manners. Agni had a mouth on him! I tried to keep my face as straight as possible remembering how Samantha didn’t pin Agni down with her witch power as much as she actually pinned him down with two knives at his throat.
“The woman is alpha to the fuckin’ extreme. Not sure if both can be, you dig?” Agni downed his water in one big, long swig. I had to savor the way his tanned throat worked before I could let his words make sense. What can I say? Agni is one big powerful punch of magnetism.
Derrick snorted next to me. I watched him but otherwise he looked cool with everything. He simply rubbed a towel over his hair and winked at me.
“Maybe one can be alpha sometimes, and sometimes let the other.” Markee, usually pretty quiet, said. I tipped my head and re-evaluated my opinion of him. He was strong, and young, so maybe more an alpha than a beta. Sipping my water, I stayed silent.
“Ah hell, sure, sure, sometimes you have to make it seem like they’re in charge, but a true alpha is always the leader, always making the decisions and doesn’t allow anyone else to say shit.” Agni pointed a finger like a gun at me and narrowed his black eyes.
I tried really hard not to smile, but I must have let my amusement show because he shook his head.
I tried to speak, but really, what to say? “Okay, so you’d say that when a guy lets a woman have her way, he’s – ”
Ranger interrupted with a snorted ‘hell, no’ under his breath. “Hell, that’s not right, Agni. A man has to know when his woman is right and be flexible enough to change his own path to meet with hers.” Ranger sighed and shook his head. “Hell, if you think you’re always right, all you ever do is shove your foot so far down your throat it comes out your ass. Grow up, demon. You’re going to have to learn that if you ever meet your mate.”
“Ha, I’ll train my female to always follow my lead. Shit, if I’ll let her do the leading like like I’m some boy-toy on a leash.” Agni tossed a grin over at Derrick but none of the Lykae looked amused.
I stayed silent. I knew Agni’s mate and boy was he in for a big, big surprise with her.
Next to me, Derrick laughed and shook his head again. “I’m not this alpha because I do this or that, Billi Jean, I’m simply wise enough, I hope, to let myself believe in the wisdom of my beautiful mate. If she wishes to pin me, and she enjoys it, who am I to say no?” Grinning he rubbed the back of his neck with a hand and said, “Besides we both know when Samantha pins me, I dinna mind in the least what she does after, eh?”
I jerked both hands up in surrender and I just knew my face was blazing. “Okay, okay, TMI.” It’s one thing to write it, another to discuss sex when all the guys are grinning at me.
Ranger chuckled and gave me a lykae pat on the back, nearly knocking me off my perch. “Don’t worry about it. Aeros is a man. He’s an alpha because he’s strong like Tor said, what ye should worry about is getting yourself a male. When are you going to get out from behind those keys and – “
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!!” That is so not part of the issue at hand!”
All the men started laughing at that, and I jumped up, quick enough to escape the match – making – by – immortal – males. Close call doesn’t even come close! You have no idea what alpha males who happen to live for like EVER can do to a poor single author! Whew. Enough said. A man’s an alpha if he’s smart enough to let his woman lead the way.

You can find out more about The Sisters of the Moon series and Billi Jean at her blog page - Reading, Writing, and Romance
To win an e-book copy of either Silver’s Chance or Midnight Star, leave a comment on this post telling me what makes a hero alpha to you. Good luck, these are awesome books.
An alpha hero to me is someone primal with strong and hard body and intense eyes. :D
email: cruz042 at csusm dot edu
Alpha to me means dominant, hard bodied and exudes sex appeal and confidence!
Love all those alpha males!!
Great character interview, that is a lot of testosterone in one room!
Loyalty is awesome
chelle2006 @ aol.com
An alpha male to me wouls be strong and sexy, but still know compassion.
I think an Alpha Hero is someone who knows how to take charge and protect thoses he cares about and needs help but that destroys the bad guy
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