Publisher: Self
Published: 10/05/2011
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Rating: Appetizer

Blake Harrison needed a wife and he needed her now. Blake and his father, the late Duke, had an adversarial relationship to say the least. He never approved of Blake or his lifestyle, and never wasted an opportunity to let Blake know what a disappointment he was. Take his father’s last Will and Testament for example. In order for Blake to inherit one red cent or the title, Blake must be married within the week. Enter Sam Elliott, the matchmaker, and not just any matchmaker. Her matches stick, and she doesn’t accept just anyone as a client, total honesty is required and if she catches you in a lie…..you’re gone. Blake needs the qualities and level head that Sam has brought to the table, thus the bargain is struck. Sam will be the Duchess for one full year, for a hefty fee, of course. They both know what to expect and it is plainly spelled out in the contract they both signed. It should be a walk in the park with a fond farewell at the end of the year. Please! Like that’s ever going to happen.
Every once in a while, I feel the need to cleanse my literary palate. I like to deviate from my norm and try a book with people who don't have fangs, fur, wings, or a penchant for violence. Wife by Wednesday filled the bill quite nicely. Blake was a rich playboy trying to escape the grasp of his disapproving father and Sam is trying to earn enough so that she can pay her sister’s hefty medical bills and still live a decent life. A little twist, a little misunderstanding, not anything too earth shattering, and you have a very nice, enjoyable read without sweating bullets. Blake was your typical wealthy playboy hero, his women were gorgeous and he cared for them about as much as he did a new pair of Ferragamos. It kills me when men are surprised by the fact that a woman chosen solely for her physical attributes shows a distinct lack of character. Yet it happens all the time, as much in reality as in fiction. Sam was a smart, savvy and focused woman who wanted to keep any deep emotions firmly locked away. She had a plan and intended to stick to it. I admire that kind of dedication and practicality. Of course, there is never any doubt that Blake and Sam are going to fall in for-ever-after love. It just the journey to get to that point that holds the reader's interest. Catherine Bybee is in top form and creates enjoyable, entertaining characters while telling a lovely story. For a distinct change of pace from the dark side, Wife by Wedenesday is just the ticket.
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