Monday, November 16, 2015

Part 2 of the BB&T Fiasco

Call me naive, I fully expected a response of some sort of response from BB&T, especially since I have posted on their Facebook page, tweeted, contacted the Better Business Bureau, North Carolina's Attorney General, blogged and generally yelled from mountain tops. Not a peep. I should have realized this after Friday, November 13th's face to face meeting. You see as we sat there devastated and pleading in Jeremy's cubicle, we brought up that Social Security had not received the funds and the transaction could still be stopped. We had the paperwork from Social Security to retrieve the funds in question. Jeremy and Sue could have called Social Security to verify the funds should not have been transferred. IT COULD HAVE BEEN STOPPED. They chose to ignore it and now they choose to ignore the internet. Please make us heard, because thus far this is what we are getting from BB&T.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
