Publisher: Self
Published: 8/10/2011
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Rating: Snack

Chase Brownsmith cared about three things, food, sleep and work, and in that order. Oh, and when it couldn’t be avoided sex, but only with a member of his own species. Did I not mention Chase is a werebear? A grizzly to be precise, and his personality was true to form. Grumpy, snarly, very solitary, and HUGE. When he meets his new neighbor Miranda stretching in front of his door, he was irritated, even though her Daisy Dukes were so miniscule he knew her grooming preferences. Her perky, bubbly airheadedness was guaranteed to disrupt his very orderly life and he didn’t hesitate to show his displeasure. Miranda is an undercover agent for FUC ( Furry United Coalition). Her job is to stick as close to Chase as possible. Someone is poaching weres and Chase just might be next.
If you followed my reviews at any of the places I write for, than you know I adore Eve’s books. Her characters are always fun and sexy and the stories are generally hilarious. This story was no exception, however it was also brimming with cuteness. I really liked Chase, he reminded me a lot of myself if I was a male grizzly bear. I also understood Chase’s initial dislike of Miranda, energizer bunny indeed, and while Miranda was not my favorite character, the rest of the crew was delicious. The humor was in full effect with references to Monty Python and Jellystone park. As always Eve writes some of the hottest books to be found and let’s just say that animal lust was in full bloom.
This book is guaranteed to put a smile on your face and have you chuckling out loud. It will also probably make you hungry, although you may never be able to eat pie again. Still I recommend this highly and fully anticipate another book from Eve Langlais about the agents of FUC.
I adore Eve Langlais too! I just read Delicate Freakin' Flower and loved it. Her werebears are so sexy. You had me at Monty Python and Jellystone Park. Nice review. :)
I'm a new follower and a Twittererer stalker. lol
Basia's Bookshelf
Thanks and welcome! I think DFF was probably my favorite book from Eve although Hybrid Misfit was a close second.
I've been stalking this book...sounds like my kind of read!
Viajeradelmar @aol.com
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