Publisher: Self
Published: 9/14/2011
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Rating: Sushi

Dr. Nala Arpaia hasn't had the easiest life. her parents were murdered when she was a very young child, and she spent most of her youth in an orphanage. Her gifts for mindreading and empathy make great tools for psychoanalysis, but are just hell on her social life. When Gabriel Ricardo barges into her life with a fantastical tale of magicks and an estranged uncle living in a castle in Albania, Nala will need all the psychic gifts she can grab onto. Whisked off into a dangerous, otherwordly place of dragons and shapeshifters, Nala must figure out who she can trust and who wants her untimate demise.
Wow! I had to create a new category for this book. Sushi! It was very unusual and raw, but as I consumed it, the taste began to unveil it's many delicate flavors and I started to really enjoy it. There were so many elements that blended into one great story. Nala was very complex. On the one hand she was very strong, smart and confident, but due to her isolation, she was also insecure in her sexuality and in her power as a sensual woman. Gabriel is married to his job as a Graida (guardian for the Vardo) and somewhat of a commitmentphobe. He had a past love affair gone bad, waaaaaay back in the day that he uses as an excuse to screw around. Men! He wasn't a hound per se, just your typical Alpha hero sewing his oats.
Sara Trimble has done a phenomenal job of world building and blending of mythological beings in this story. She wrote it in such a way that it seemed logical and totally believable. The characters were varied and contained great depth, from the gay vampire to the insecure nympho fairy. Heart Over Mind, while being a dark story full of deceit, murder and betrayal, also balances it out with whimsical charm and a tad bit of sweaty sex. I see great potential in Sara Trimble's story and would really like to see her continue in this vein. It was a vastly entertaining read and I applaud her efforts and encourage her on her journey as an author. This is a world I would really like to explore further, and I definitely see promise in some of the secondary characters. Bravo, Ms. Trimble, and well done.
I love a dark PNR with a delicate flavor of sushi. Lolz! I loved your review! It doesn't get any better than that :D
i respect those who take the risk with self publishing. and i am always curious about indie authors. some of them are really good - others not so, but then they have the opportunity to get better with each book ^^
Great review and this sounds like a really amazing book!
Like you, I also try and support the just-starting-out or Indie author. I think they need our help in having a voice in our community.
Alyssa ♥ Hesperia Loves Books
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