I am so happy to have Sara Trimble here today. One of my prime objectives for starting this blog was to help promote emerging authors and give them a louder voice in the publishing industry. Please give your welcome and support.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m 26, the mother to five wonderful children and I’ll be getting married soon! In some societies, I’d be deemed crazy since I hear voices in my head, but to me, this is normal. My characters like to be heard. I’m a good ole’ Southern girl with all the charm of a Belle. I love to meet new people and help out anyone who needs it, regardless of what’s required of me (so long as it isn’t illegal, though handcuffs can be fun).
Have you always aspired to be an author?
According to my mom and first grade teacher, I’ve always had my heart set on writing. I had no idea that this profession is what I had chosen as a child, but I knew from the time I was working on the newspaper in the fifth grade that this is what I wanted to do. I chose to pursue it because it allows me to be a stay at home mom to my children and still not go stark crazy watching Barney re-runs and Yo Gabba Gabba. It’s nice to mold a world into working the way you want it to instead of watching everything crash and burn before having to pick up the pieces. You don’t like what’s happening, just hit the delete button.
Who or what are your literary inspirations?
I’m not sure I have any literary inspirations. I did have a dear friend, Missy Crockett Estes, who was a teacher and part-time writer that I adored. She helped me get where I am today and I loved to read her work. We had so much in common it was amazing we’d ever crossed paths. She passed recently but thankfully, I am still able to be close to her when I read her work over and over, as well as the inspirational emails she always sent me. As for authors I follow……is all of them a choice? Thanks to the wonderful magic of Facebook (when it’s not being a big dummy) I’ve been able to connect with many wonderful authors who are a huge part of my desire to get published. I want to be like them, having a slew of book covers to advertise and know that I’m able to entertain as many people as I can.
Did your characters sneak up on you or was creating them a gradual process?
I’d have to say each of my characters just popped up one day and screamed “Boo!”. After that, they wouldn’t disappear until I gave them their way. They’re a lot like my fiancé. Stubborn, persistent, and a big pain in my butt!
LOL! Men are like that sometimes, whether real or fictional. Demanding!
Did any of your characters behave in a way that surprised you?
This is a hard question to answer as I’ve never fully formed each of my characters. I tend to give them the personality they want and then watch how they grow with the situation. However, that being said, my newest Heroine in my WIP does have an authority problem., probably stemming from her controlling, deceased father who never thought she was good enough due to her gender. Watching her butt heads with an Alpha special agent of a secret government organization has been a lot of fun.
I do love strong willed heroines. Sounds interesting.
Sooo, what’s in your TBR pile?
Too many books to count! If I Should Die by Allison Brennan is number one. Then I’ve got a collection of books from the 1 Night Stand series from Decadent publishing that I hope to get to. Plus books from Iris Johansen, Cathy Mann, Cindy Gerard and many more.
Oooo, you’ve got some good ones there. That 1 Night Stand series is HOT!
Can you tell us about future works?
At this moment, I am sad to say I don’t have any works in progress. I do have a story simmering in my mind about an FBI agent who’s been called to the bayou of Louisiana after an arm is found in the mouth of an alligator. This leads to an investigation of multiple missing persons of females ranging in age from 14 – 17, all blond hair and blue eyed. If you’re wondering if this might be a hint at a superior race plot, you could be right! I’m thinking maybe a town full of people determined to breed the perfect race. The girls are just breeding cows……..stay tuned for more, including what they do with the bodies after they’re through breeding them.
Hmmm, Aryans, and alligators. Quite the intriguing combination.
What is the most satisfying aspect of your work?
The most satisfying part is knowing that I am able to entertain people with my work. I allow them a chance to escape whatever plagues them and get lost in a happily ever after, with some hot sex and paranormal action in between. The most frustrating is trying to write a synopsis and finding out which market I want to target. Then there’s the waiting of course.
Ugh! I’m with you! I hate trying to capsulize an entire book in a blurb.
What would you like to tell/ask reviewers who look at your work?
I would just like an honest review. I want to know that the characters were real and believable, as much as fantasy scenarios can be, and that the romance progressed naturally and left the reader satisfied. I want to know if they were able to get lost in my story or if there were scenes that jarred them out and made them realize they were just reading words. I’d also like to know if my imagery is easy to visualize. This seems to be the low point with my work and I’ve spent years trying to get it right, without giving too much that makes the reader say “AGHH! Enough already! We don’t care about the thread count on the sheets or the dust motes in the air. We want to know what the sexy man has on under those jeans. And what he’s about to do with that belt in his hand.”
Yes!! THANK YOU!! I want good snappy dialogue and action. I could mostly care less about the color of the carpet or the crystal clear cerulean skies reminding one of summers in Greece. Psssst!
If you could live the life of any literary heroine for one week, who would it be and what would you be doing?
I would love to live in the life of Dr. Kay Scarpetta, from Patricia Cornwell’s Kay Scarpetta series. The Body Farm is exactly how I’d like to enjoy the week. This is an older book but it’s one of my favorites. For the longest time, I wanted to be in forensics, but I got pregnant at a young age and never made it to college. So, now I am saving up all that ambition to go into a story one day!

1. Tea or Coffee? Coffee
2. Morning or Night? Night
3. Comedy or Drama? Comedy
4. Jeans or skirts? Jeans
5. Cruise or camping? Camping
6. Gourmet or comfort? Comfort
7. Spring or Autumn? Autumn
8. Top or bottom? Top
9. Expensive or thoughtful? Thoughtful
And finally, the most IMPORTANT question that I ever ask……….

Neither, I’m an LSU fan all the way!

To find out more about Sara and her books. Follow the links below.
Facebook Fan Page
Thank you Sara, for sharing your journey with us, and we’ll be watching for future works. Good luck and best wishes with your career, and please remember us when it takes off.
Sara has generously offered up a copy of her new book to one lucky winner. Find the entry Rafflecopter at the end of the review post below this one.
Nice getting to know you. I have yet to read your novel,but am interested. Wish you the best of luck.
Great interview!
Elena, it is wonderful to meet you too! Thanks so much for commenting.
Tore, I'm so glad you're interested!
To everyone, if you didn't win in this contest, there are more opportunities to get a free copy of my book. Check out my fan page on Facebook, and my blog, where I'll soon be hosting these contests. Thanks so much for chatting with me.
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